VRT Calculator By Text or Whatsapp

Calculate VRT by Whatsapp:

To calculate VRT, simply whatsapp the vehicle registration number to +447723428355, e.g. ‘LL12NRN’ to +447723428355

If you would like to use the service you will need to purchase credits, 3 credits cost €9.99 and this entitles you to 3 successful VRT estimates.

You can purchase credits online by entering your phone number below e.g. 353861234567 and click purchase 3 credits.

Enter Your Phone Number:


Calculate VRT by Text:

To calculate VRT, simply text the vehicle registration number to +447723428355, e.g. ‘LL12NRN’ to +447723428355

If you would like to use the service you will need to purchase credits, 3 credits cost €9.99 and this entitles you to 3 successful VRT estimates.

You can purchase credits online by entering your phone number below e.g. 353861234567 and click purchase 3 credits.

Enter Your Phone Number:


Example VRT Estimate

VRT calculator


The calculator will search for an exact match make, model and version in the Revenue Commissioners database, in the event it cannot find an exact match it will do a best effort match and return a similar make, model and version from the database.

VRT Calculator By Text or Whatsapp was last modified: June 14th, 2022 by vrtmanager